How to build your personal brand on LinkedIn?

So about two years ago I had only a thousand followers and within a couple of years, I'm now close to 5,500+ followers. So how did I gain those followers and how did I increase my connection count as well, and how did I network using LinkedIn?

Here are four ways to successfully build your personal brand on LinkedIn.

  1. You have to constantly keep updating your LinkedIn profile. Make sure you add the relevant keywords which are applicable to you. Make sure you add descriptions about who you are, and what you do, and make sure you have a feature section, showcasing your best things, and your best work for other people to see constant updates on LinkedIn. Your LinkedIn profile is important.

  2. Start engaging with other people's posts. So there are these few people who give a lot of value from a thought leadership standpoint. Make sure you comment on them and start giving value. If you keep doing that, then over a period of time they start checking out your posts, and then their audience comes to start looking at your post, and then you gain followers from their audience as well. And then you increase your network.

  3. Start posting valuable content. People have this wrong notion that they have to post seven times a week to succeed on LinkedIn. That's far from the truth. You could literally start posting once a week, but the key is the cadence and the frequency. If you're gonna post once a week post at the same. And once you do that consistently, people start expecting a post from you during the same time. Or you could say, post twice a week. And again, if it's twice a week, have a cadence and post at a particular time. And then people start expecting posts during that time from you.

  4. Connect with people on LinkedIn. My challenge to you is to try to establish five new valuable connections every week. When you do that, you're gonna gain more audience. You're gonna gain more visibility, You're going to build your network, and you're gonna see a lot of greater opportunities, which I haven't seen before.

So those are the four ways you can really build your personal brand on LinkedIn.

👉🏾CHECK OUT this post and let me know what you think about it.

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