Experience based articles - agile testing and future of software testing


There were 2 articles I always wanted to write based on my experiences in the testing industry. One was on agile testing and the other was on my thoughts revolving around the ever changing domain of software testing. That being said, I finally wrote 2 articles on the same topic and it got published in succession in the span of 2 days.

Hopefully you find the below articles helpful for your work and projects as well. Thanks for your continued support. 

A Quick Guide to Implementing ATDD

5 Things that will impact the future of software testing

If you have any other tips/tricks, feel free to share it in the comments below or let me know by contacting me here-> http://www.rajsubra.com/contact/


Exploratory Testing Template


The 6 Key factors for losing weight- Marching towards a healthy you in 2018